Here’s a mix of our Hummingbird Wildflower Seeds!
Hummingbird Mixture Wildflower seeds are a pleasing blend of annual and perennial wildflowers that are irresistible to hummingbirds.
The brightly colored blossoms also make a striking, continuously changing display in the garden throughout the season.
Many varieties return to bloom year after year. The mixture also attracts butterflies! *Packet illustration is a guide only to the contents.
Seed Mixture Contains:
- Centaurea cyanus (12%) AKA Cornflower
- Cheiranthus allionii (≤5%) AKA Siberian Wallflower
- Clarkia elegans (≤5%) AKA Mountain garland
- Convolvulus tricolor (6%) AKA Dwarf morning-glory
- Coreopsis tinctoria (≤5%) AKA Plains coreopsis
- Cosmos bipinnatus (9%), AKA Garden Cosmos
- Cynoglossum amabile (6%) AKA Chinese forget-me-not
- Delphinium consolida (≤5%) AKA Field larkspur
- Dianthus barbatus (≤5%) AKA Sweet William
- Gilia tricolor (≤5%) AKA Bird’s-eye gilia
- Gypsophila elegans (≤5%) AKA Baby’s Breath
- Iberis umbellatum (≤5%) AKA Candytuft
- Lavatera trimestris (7%) AKA Rose mallow
- Linum grandiflorum rubrum (7%) AKA Scarlet flax
- Malope trifida (8%) AKA Mallow-wort
- Matthiola bicornis (≤5%) AKA Night Scented Stock
- Mirabilis jalapa (≤5%) AKA Marvel-of-Peru
- Papaver rhoeas (≤5%) AKA Common poppy
- Phlox drummondii (≤5%) AKA Drummonds phlox
- Silene armeria (≤5%) AKA Sweet William catchfly
- Zinnia elegans mix (≤5%) AKA Zinnia
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